Choose Wisely!
Jesus calls us to live by the Golden Rule, treating others with love and respect. We [...]
Jesus calls us to live by the Golden Rule, treating others with love and respect. We [...]
Many people associate meekness with weakness, viewing it as a flaw. Yet, Jesus challenges this worldly [...]
In Matthew 7, Jesus cautions that self-examination and humility should precede offering correction or judgment to [...]
In Matthew 7, Jesus cautions that self-examination and humility should precede offering correction or judgment to [...]
In our last message, we learned how spiritual poverty leads to riches. As we continue in [...]
The things that we prioritize in life will ultimately determine the path of our life. Pursuing [...]
The things that we prioritize in life will ultimately determine the path of our life. Pursuing [...]
In our last message, we learned how spiritual poverty leads to riches. As we continue in [...]
In today's passage, Jesus says, "No one can serve two masters." He explains that people cannot [...]
In today's passage, Jesus says, "No one can serve two masters." He explains that people cannot [...]