Complete My Joy! P2

October 15th, 2024|Citizens of Heaven|

Did you know the word ‘Joy’ in some form or another, is mentioned 16 times in the book of Philippians? ‘Christ’ is mentioned 50 times! It is no surprise then that Paul tells us real, everlasting joy is found only in Christ. In response to all that Christ has done for us – how he loves us, how he purchased our salvation and established for us the promise of eternal life through his death and resurrection – we are now called to live our lives in pursuit of unity, humility and generosity. Join us today as we learn how to turn away from living a life of emptiness and begin living a life that is filled with joy!

Complete My Joy!

October 14th, 2024|Citizens of Heaven|

Did you know the word ‘Joy’ in some form or another, is mentioned 16 times in the book of Philippians? ‘Christ’ is mentioned 50 times! It is no surprise then that Paul tells us real, everlasting joy is found only in Christ. In response to all that Christ has done for us – how he loves us, how he purchased our salvation and established for us the promise of eternal life through his death and resurrection – we are now called to live our lives in pursuit of unity, humility and generosity. Join us today as we learn how to turn away from living a life of emptiness and begin living a life that is filled with joy!

Wisdom & Encouragement even within riots!

October 13th, 2024|Acts|

From sunrise and sunset, we need the Lord. For strength, courage, bravery, compassion, and faith does not happen from our own merits, but by the Lord’s grace. As we go throughout our week, we encounter situations and people that need Him. In this message, Pastor Robbie preaches on the encouragement the Lord gave Paul when he faces dissent and persecution. Cling to the Lord’s Word, for he will never forsake you!

Worthy of the Gospel P2

October 11th, 2024|Citizens of Heaven|

In today’s message, Paul exhorts the Philippians to stand together spiritually united in the face of opposition and hostility, and to live in a manner that is worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul’s message is equally applicable to the church today as then. Since we have been saved by grace, born again and adopted into the family of God through Christ, our response must be a life that reflects this truth. The authentic follower of Christ should not merely live the gospel with their lips, but more importantly, with their life . As we are reminded in Luke 12:48, to everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required. We are called to honour Him with the gifts He has graciously and freely given to us. A genuine understanding and gratefulness of our status in Jesus Christ will result in our service to him.

Worthy of the Gospel

October 10th, 2024|Citizens of Heaven|

In today’s message, Paul exhorts the Philippians to stand together spiritually united in the face of opposition and hostility, and to live in a manner that is worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul’s message is equally applicable to the church today as then. Since we have been saved by grace, born again and adopted into the family of God through Christ, our response must be a life that reflects this truth. The authentic follower of Christ should not merely live the gospel with their lips, but more importantly, with their life . As we are reminded in Luke 12:48, to everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required. We are called to honour Him with the gifts He has graciously and freely given to us. A genuine understanding and gratefulness of our status in Jesus Christ will result in our service to him.

To Live is Christ P2

October 9th, 2024|Citizens of Heaven|

In 2 Corinthians 5:17, Paul says “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come” (ESV). Paul understands the incredible reality of being ‘made new’ in Christ. Before Christ, he was dead in sin, but now he is truly alive in Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit. The promise of his future heavenly reward caused him to live his earthly life with urgency. Paul’s letter is an encouragement to live courageously and joyfully in the midst of opposition, knowing our final destination is not in this world but in the Kingdom of Heaven.