Life-Giving Lessons in Leadership

November 24th, 2024|Acts|

What defines a good leader? Integrity? Thoughtfulness? In this message, Pastor Robbie explores Paul’s words to the leaders in the church. Coming with a missional mindset and an earnest desire to see men and women enter God’s Kingdom, Paul calls us to higher standard. A standard marked with responsibility and care for the church.

Healthy Heart = Fired Up Affections P2

November 22nd, 2024|Healthy Heart Series|

How can you tell the state of your Healthy Heart in Christ? A quick quiz: if biblical principles fire you up into practical passion, you’re on the right path! Our Healthy Heart series continues today with God’s Great Commission, to make disciples… but also God’s Great Commandment: to love. Not love the world, which only equals an investment in certain death, but to love the Lord our God with all of our hearts, minds and spirits.

Healthy Heart = Fired Up Affections

November 21st, 2024|Healthy Heart Series|

How can you tell the state of your Healthy Heart in Christ? A quick quiz: if biblical principles fire you up into practical passion, you’re on the right path! Our Healthy Heart series continues today with God’s Great Commission, to make disciples… but also God’s Great Commandment: to love. Not love the world, which only equals an investment in certain death, but to love the Lord our God with all of our hearts, minds and spirits.

Healthy Heart = Renewed Mind P2

November 20th, 2024|Healthy Heart Series|

For this, the second instalment of our Healthy Heart series, we turn to God’s word once again to illustrate how a renewed, revived, restored heart MUST lead to the authentic application of Biblical principles to our lives. We can’t be believers and just sit there! We must apply our minds, our wills, our emotions and our physical beings to the pursuit of surrendering our hearts. All of us for all of Him!

Healthy Heart = Renewed Mind

November 19th, 2024|Healthy Heart Series|

For this, the second instalment of our Healthy Heart series, we turn to God’s word once again to illustrate how a renewed, revived, restored heart MUST lead to the authentic application of Biblical principles to our lives. We can’t be believers and just sit there! We must apply our minds, our wills, our emotions and our physical beings to the pursuit of surrendering our hearts. All of us for all of Him!

Healthy Heart = Healthy Start P2

November 18th, 2024|Healthy Heart Series|

Is yours a healthy heart? Not only physically, but spiritually? Today, we begin a new series examining the most crucial aspect of our faith… a healthy heart. God longs for us to start every day with the new spirit of a humble, broken heart, ready to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. We need to guard and protect our heart… but how?