Choose Wisely! P2
Jesus calls us to live by the Golden Rule, treating others with love and respect. We are urged to choose the narrow, challenging path that leads to life, rather than the broad, easy road that leads to destruction. The narrow path is difficult at times, and can be discouraging but as Christ-followers, we persevere, knowing that this is the way to blessing, joy and our eternal reward. Choose wisely!
Choose Wisely!
Jesus calls us to live by the Golden Rule, treating others with love and respect. We are urged to choose the narrow, challenging path that leads to life, rather than the broad, easy road that leads to destruction. The narrow path is difficult at times, and can be discouraging but as Christ-followers, we persevere, knowing that this is the way to blessing, joy and our eternal reward. Choose wisely!
Oh, to be Humble, Hungry & Holy
Many people associate meekness with weakness, viewing it as a flaw. Yet, Jesus challenges this worldly view by teaching that “the meek shall inherit the earth”—not the powerful. In biblical terms, meekness is not weakness; it is “strength under control.” It means surrendering all authority to God, acknowledging that He alone holds ultimate power. Meekness is the conscious decision to refrain from self-defense, trusting that God will act on our behalf. This reflects a spirit of humility. As Martin Lloyd-Jones wisely put it, “To be truly meek means we no longer protect ourselves, because we see there is nothing worth defending.” Amen!
The Dangers of Judgmentalism P2
In Matthew 7, Jesus cautions that self-examination and humility should precede offering correction or judgment to others. Only after addressing our own issues and examining our own heart, can we help others with theirs in a constructive and loving way. Instead of being quick to criticize, we are called to show compassion and grace, knowing that we, too, are in need of mercy for the sin in our lives. As the Lord warns, “For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you”.
The Dangers of Judgmentalism
In Matthew 7, Jesus cautions that self-examination and humility should precede offering correction or judgment to others. Only after addressing our own issues and examining our own heart, can we help others with theirs in a constructive and loving way. Instead of being quick to criticize, we are called to show compassion and grace, knowing that we, too, are in need of mercy for the sin in our lives. As the Lord warns, “For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you”.
A Prayer for Renewal P2
A clean house, a clean car, clean clothes, even the proverbial ‘clean slate’ – why do we so enjoy things that are clean? Perhaps it is because it brings to mind a sense of purity and newness. In Psalm 51, David is longing for a clean & pure heart, free from sin and stain, knowing the Lord looks on the heart. Only God can create a clean heart through the washing and cleansing of our sin by the blood of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. But like David, we must beg the Lord to restore our hearts with faith that he will respond. Today we learn that forgiveness restores us from sin, but brokenness and contriteness before God produces joy!