Good News! Here’s the Plan P2
Do you often wonder about God’s plan for your life? We might feel the plight of confusion in a world all too consumed with consumption and business. But what if we reflected on our days and saw an abundance of grace? What if God was weaving our stories together with the miracle of Jesus? In this message, we’ll learn about God’s plan for us and how the tapestry of human life is sewn with the grace, gospel, and gift of Jesus.
Good News! Here’s the Plan
Do you often wonder about God’s plan for your life? We might feel the plight of confusion in a world all too consumed with consumption and business. But what if we reflected on our days and saw an abundance of grace? What if God was weaving our stories together with the miracle of Jesus? In this message, we’ll learn about God’s plan for us and how the tapestry of human life is sewn with the grace, gospel, and gift of Jesus.
Healthy Heart = Wealthy Heart P2
Today and tomorrow, we wrap up our Healthy Heart series with our discussion of a Wealthy Heart… not wealth in a worldly sense, but in a Godly sense. Luke 12:34 warns us that whatever we treasure in our heart, we love the most. What do you treasure? Yourself? Your possessions? Or your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ? Time to check your heart!
Healthy Heart = Wealthy Heart
Today and tomorrow, we wrap up our Healthy Heart series with our discussion of a Wealthy Heart… not wealth in a worldly sense, but in a Godly sense. Luke 12:34 warns us that whatever we treasure in our heart, we love the most. What do you treasure? Yourself? Your possessions? Or your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ? Time to check your heart!
Healthy Heart = Pure Heart P2
God wants our whole heart! We continue our exploration of a Healthy Heart today in Matthew 5: 8, where Jesus teaches in his Beatitudes that to receive blessing from God, our hearts must be not only healthy, but pure. But what does a pure heart look like? Learn the seven signs of the Impure Heart… and see how yours measures up with the seven signs of a Pure Heart. Prepare to be blown away!
Life-Giving Lessons in Leadership P2
What defines a good leader? Integrity? Thoughtfulness? In this message, Pastor Robbie explores Paul’s words to the leaders in the church. Coming with a missional mindset and an earnest desire to see men and women enter God’s Kingdom, Paul calls us to higher standard. A standard marked with responsibility and care for the church.